Craps In Python

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An introduction to using pseudocode to write a Craps program in Python. Question: In Python Please. CODE FOR CRAPS.PY ' File: Project 6 This Module Studies And Plays The Game Of Craps. Refactors Code From Case Study So That The User Can Have The Player Object Roll The Dice And View The Result. ' From Die Import Die Class Player(object): Def init(self): 'Has A Pair Of Dice And An Empty Rolls List.'

i am pretty sure this has been asked before but i cant seem to find the answer
what is the average length of a roll?
or put another way what is the average number of rolls before a seven out?
tom p
'You can't EXPECT to win. But you CAN play Tough'...tom p, 1974

i am pretty sure this has been asked before but i cant seem to find the answer
what is the average length of a roll?
or put another way what is the average number of rolls before a seven out?
tom p

I found this thread by searching for '557/165,' in which 7craps posted, '...557/165 being the average number of rolls per pass line decision...'
That answers, 'what is the average length of roll?' but not '...what is the average number of rolls before a seven out?'
Average rolls per shooter is 1671/196, or about 8.53. The last one is always the seven-out -- the calculation doesn't count people who pass the dice mid-hand -- so the average number of rolls before the seven-out is about 7.53.
I looked on the WoO site and couldn't find a concise explanation, so here's an old article by the late Dr. Catlin:

Craps In Python

'In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice.' -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
That is why I used to bet the pass line and then the come line adding odds each time then I'd wait a roll and start on the don't comes figuring that a 'seven' was soon due.
I still don't understand why that strategy does not work.

...figuring that a 'seven' was soon due.
I still don't understand why that strategy does not work.

Did the dice know a seven was 'soon due'? Were they keeping track as well as you were?
Take care out there. Spare a thought for the newly poor who were happy in their world just a few days ago, but whose whole way of life just collapsed..

Average rolls per shooter is 1671/196, or about 8.53. The last one is always the seven-out -- the calculation doesn't count people who pass the dice mid-hand -- so the average number of rolls before the seven-out is about 7.53.
I looked on the WoO site and couldn't find a concise explanation, so here's an old article by the late Dr. Catlin:

' target='_blank'>
Pythonmy goodness...peoples must be 'passing the dice' much more often than what i have experienced in over 42 years at the rail...but whatever...
but, yes, thank you very have answered my question and the answer of 8.5 rolls is pretty close to what i thought it was but i just couldn't locate the info...
again, thank you for your time and good efforts

Craps Python Github

tom p
'You can't EXPECT to win. But you CAN play Tough'...tom p, 1974

Average rolls per shooter is 1671/196, or about 8.53. The last one is always the seven-out -- the calculation doesn't count people who pass the dice mid-hand -- so the average number of rolls before the seven-out is about 7.53.
I looked on the WoO site and couldn't find a concise explanation, so here's an old article by the late Dr. Catlin:

' target='_blank'>
my goodness...peoples must be 'passing the dice' much more often than what i have experienced in over 42 years at the rail...but whatever...
but, yes, thank you very have answered my question and the answer of 8.5 rolls is pretty close to what i thought it was but i just couldn't locate the info...
again, thank you for your time and good efforts
tom p
'You can't EXPECT to win. But you CAN play Tough'...tom p, 1974

That is why I used to bet the pass line and then the come line adding odds each time then I'd wait a roll and start on the don't comes figuring that a 'seven' was soon due.
I still don't understand why that strategy does not work. 'due theory' is flawed perhaps? i say this fully appreciating that you are just being facetious...or might be...
but more accurately due theory is just one of many 'gamblers' fallacies', albeit a quite understandable one...homo sapiens does seem to be universally or genetically 'hard wired' to see patterns in random events...presumably such predisposition has or once had survival advantages...
tom p
'You can't EXPECT to win. But you CAN play Tough'...tom p, 1974
FleaStiff 'due theory' is flawed perhaps? i say this fully appreciating that you are just being facetious...or might be...
but more accurately due theory is just one of many 'gamblers' fallacies', albeit a quite understandable one...homo sapiens does seem to be universally or genetically 'hard wired' to see patterns in random events...presumably such predisposition has or once had survival advantages...
tom p

'just being facetious..or might be.... '
Actually I'm still puzzled by dealers telling me I'm all wet in believing it.
As to seeing patterns... when we caveman it was really advantageous to look at vegetation and see the pattern of a concealed leopard or tiger or something. Hunters survive better if they can detect camouflage, either natural or man made. So perhaps it is a good instinct to still have; how many times has a player dropped out of a pot and twisted his ring, etc.
My feeling is that although them dice don't count the rolls and some people go on history making rolls, if the average is 8 or so... then once I'm on the DO for a few bets I should switch to the DONTS because that dreaded seven will indeed roll sometime soon.

then once I'm on the DO for a few bets I should switch to the DONTS because that dreaded seven will indeed roll sometime soon.

Craps In Python

Craps game in pythonBut the problem is, you can't take your do bets down.

Craps Game In Python

When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.