Excessive Gambling Side Effect

Excessive Gambling Side Effect
  1. Excessive Gambling Side Effects

Compulsive Behaviors and Gambling Dopamine agonist treatment of Parkinson's disease patients has been linked to compulsive eating, 102 excessive gambling, 103 compulsive shopping, and pathologic hypersexuality, 104 with resolution of these problems associated with reduction of the dose of dopamine agonists. During a recent study, published in the August 12 issue of Neurology, researchers discovered an unusual finding: Excessive gambling may be a possible side effect of dopamine agonists - drugs often. The effect is similar to that of having a drug or a drink, which is why gambling changes one’s mental state and mood. Similar to how an individual keeps consuming substances like drugs or alcohol to experience an altered mental state, he continues to gamble.

Mirapex was a miracle drug for my RLS. I was taking it and functioning as a normal human being for a few years before the side effects started.
I was never a gambler. Once I went to a casino, I was hooked. When that got out of control, I self-banned myself from the local casinos. That didn't work, I continued to go.
Lottery scratch-off tickets became a new obsession. I spent thousands on them.
I became suicidal; almost succeeded the last time. My marriage fell apart because my husband believed that my gambling was a choice not a compulsion or side effect.
Once I was off the drug, my marriage was over, I had lost everything. This has been 7 years ago. My life was shattered. I have moved on but my life, although happy, will never be the same. Mirapex robbed me of everything.
I had contacted attorneys where I lived, but since the side effects and lawsuits were a well known thing (not to me) no one would touch my case. The ones that were willing wanted me to do all of the leg work. I couldn't afford this because I had lost everything.
So, I am left picking up the pieces of my life and the manufacturer of Mirapex got away with ruining another life.

Everyone’s that is addicted to gambling has his or her own story. Some people decide to gamble because they can make money from it. Others do it because it is a welcome distraction from the different emotional trauma they are passing through in their lives. Here are some few cases of gambling and the effects of it.

Why do people gamble or what pushes someone to gamble? Greed and the desire to make more money can make someone become an addict. Gambling is the result of people seeking excitement mixed with the chase of simple material things. People enjoy the drama that comes with gambling, the adrenaline rush and obviously, the money at the end of a good day. Gamblers on most occasion don’t know when to quit and the effect of this could be financial ruin.

The main cause of gambling is the result of greed and the desire to make money in most situations. One reason this leads to a great problem is that in some cases it may be irresistible. This proves that an addiction to it leads to the main cause of gambling problems. The effects gambling can have on individuals can vary, but the most devastating of them all is the effects it has on the family of the individual involved. Irresistible gambling can lead to medical and financial problems. Medically it can lead to loss of sleep, high blood pressure and depression. In some cases, people have lost their properties and homes to gambling.

In the United Kingdom, you will find a lot of gambling addicts that play top online slots at 777 spinslot just to get a refill of adrenaline rush in their blood without being exposed to any threat. The excitement they get by making more money is dangerous and very stressful. The anxiety people receive from gambling could be so addictive that they try to gamble more in order to win the first bet they gambled on. However, in most situations it always turns out bad and the effect of this is devastating.

Gambling addiction and its bad side

There are situations in which gambling can become a dangerous problem for individuals – creating havoc in their lives. A Gambling situation that involves so many problems is harmful to both psychological and physical health. In the UK alone, studies show that the rate of gambling can lead to suicide as a result of bad health from depression and anxiety disorder. Because of the negative impact it had on the public, it has become a major health concern in developed countries.

Main Effects of gambling

Excessive Gambling Side Effects

A common effect of gambling is that it can lead to the loss of jobs, failed marriages and massive debt. Now you can see what addicts go through with issues like mental health disorder, depression, and mood disorder. So, before you decide to make betting or gambling a part of your life, better to think wisely of the path you choose to take. If it is something you truly want to get involved in.